7 Must Have Tools To Extract Leads From Social Media

It’s becoming increasingly common for people to interact with brands and businesses on social media sites. From Instagram to Facebook to Twitter, you can find just about anything these days. And if you are running a business or marketing campaign, you must have which social media channels you are active on. There are many tools out there that are great for helping you discover and extract the best information from your social networks. The internet is full of free tools for listing and extracting data from websites; however, some of these sites have been proven to have a high rate of false entries or fake profiles, so it’s essential to look at something which can provide actual people who are interested in the products or services that you are advertising.

Seven must-have tools to extract leads from social media

1. SocialMention

Social Mention is an excellent tool for extracting social media and general internet searches. This search engine provides information and results from more than 250 sources, including blogs, forums, and Google+. The real value of this tool comes from the ease of use and being ability to view the entries of a topic or person together in one place. It’s even possible to get information on your own social media posts with this tool and find out if a particular topic has been mentioned recently on any of your pages or profiles. There is also an option to integrate RSS feeds into this tool to track multiple topics simultaneously. The free version of this tool is excellent for a limited amount of use, but if you need more, there are paid versions available. This is one of the best social media search tools worth checking out.

2. Buzzsumo

Buzzsumo is an excellent tool for finding and extracting content from social media. It’s specifically designed for this purpose. This tool can be used to find the most shared content from a specific media source and can compare how similar or different posts are performing. It’s also possible to get rich analytics on each post which you can use as a unique resource or as part of an overall analysis of your presence on social media. The real value of this particular site is that it can show you what type of content spreads the best in your niche and will give you some ideas for keeping your brand name relevant on social media sites.

3. Mention

A mention is a fantastic tool for extracting leads from social media. This program captures all mentions in blogs and websites regarding a certain topic or event. It’s also possible to filter this data by country and see who is talking about your brand in other locations. There are also options for tracking your competitor’s social media, which could be a powerful tool to find out exactly what they are doing. Mention will provide information on how many times people shared a post and who shared it, giving you all the necessary information to respond appropriately.

4. Google Alerts

Google alerts is another great tool for capturing leads from social media sites and other general web searches. This data can be used to display on your blog or website, or exported and graphed for future reference. This tool is really useful for displaying the social media information which is directly related to your topic, as well as global info about the search term you’ve just entered. This tool can also be used to track news and events which are related to keywords from different sources and provide you with a wealth of information on what’s happening while you’re away.

5. MentionMiner

This software program allows you to manage your social media profiles, monitor mentions coming in from social media sites and blogs, as well as monitor the traffic coming in from web search results. You can also execute searches and monitor those mentions, which is an excellent way to track your competitors and find out what they are up to. This software can be used in conjunction with Google alerts, so you can get the best of both worlds with this program. This tool is also a great resource for tracking keywords within each post.

6. BlogCatalog

BlogCatalog is a good social media monitoring tool which can be used to capture all your mentions and conversations so that you will always have a record of everything that people say about your brand on social media sites. This tool also allows you to save information on your own posts so you can see what has been said about you in the past, as well as what posts are currently being shared. BlogCatalog also allows you to create a search database which will allow for easy keyword tracking. This is a very useful tool for monitoring your brand name and keeping an eye on competitors.

7. TweetBeep

TweetBeep is a free tool which will alert you of any tweets which have been posted by one of the people you follow. This is useful if you are the type who likes to monitor what’s being said about your brand or business on a regular basis. TweetBeep can also be used to track keywords, as well as follow conversations between several users at once. This is slightly different than other tools in that it’s more concerned with the individuals themselves, whereas other programs focus on specific topics or general information. The benefit of this tool is that it’s completely free which makes it one of the best options for monitoring social media.


There are many different tools that can be used to extract leads and monitor your brand name on social media sites, but these are some of the best. These various tools will allow you to keep track of what’s being said about your brand on blogs and social media sites, as well as provide valuable insights into exactly how you are perceived from an outside perspective. There is also a wealth of information available from Google alerts that can be used to promote your posts, as well as research suggestions for what users are saying about a certain topic or search term.

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